Python code for GET Request CORS Headers Example
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What is HTTP?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a network communication protocol that enables the communication between HTTP clients (browser or mobile application) and servers. HTTP is based on a request/response architecture between a client and the server. The client application sends the request to the server, and the server processes the client's request and sends a response back to the client. Each HTTP message consists of a request string (status line for response), HTTP headers, and a message body.
What is GET request?
The GET request method is used to retrieve data from a specified URL. The HTTP GET method is one of nine standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request methods. GET requests should only receive data and should not affect the state of the server.
What is CORS?
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security mechanism that is based on HTTP headers. CORS enables secure communication between browsers and servers from different sources. CORS was created due to the constraints of a uniform origin policy, which restricts resources to interact only with resources located in the same domain.
How to make GET request wit CORS Headers?
To make a GET request with CORS headers, you need to send a 'preflight' OPTIONS request to the server and check if the server can provide the required HTTP headers. If your request is acceptable to the server, it will respond with a 200 status code, which will include an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with your domain name and an Access-Control-Allow-Headers header that contains the required HTTP headers. After that, you can send the following GET request to get the required information.
The server's response to our OPTIONS request informs that the client can send a GET request with CORS headers.